A Little Insight

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wanna Get Away?

Apparently, that's a Southwest Airlines slogan. For some reason, it makes me think of Snickers commercials, but that's not the point. The point is, sometimes you just have to get away for a while. Whether something is weighing on your mind, work has you down, you're feeling overwhelmed by your day-to-day, or you're just in a funk... sometimes the best thing you can do is get a change of scenery and take a break from things. This weekend, that's just what I did.

Friday night Liz and I walked to downtown Eureka for a free concert on Central Ave. A nice walk, a bottle of wine and some good music made for a relaxing night. It was fun watching the little kids playing in the closed off streets too.

Saturday morning, I decided it had been way too long since I had run any shorter races so I picked a 5k in Tower Grove Park. Liz came along and we packed her bike in the Subaru (so roomy!) so she could get a ride in while I ran. I ended up winning the race by a good margin! It was a small race, but it still felt good and it was one of my best 5k times to date.

The plan was to spend the rest of the day building a boat for next week's big race and figure out something entertaining for the evening but we decided to pack up and head to the Lake and build the boat there. It was time to get away for a while.

We spent the rest of the weekend soaking up some sun, spending time with Mom and Rick, eating good food, and cranking out a boat in record time. It was great to lay on the back of the pontoon with my eyes closed and enjoy the hum of the motor and the rocking waves... the hot sun with the occassional cool breeze... so relaxing!!!


I think I needed that little bit of time away. We didn't go far and nothing really changed while we were gone, but I felt recharged and ready to face another Monday in the real world. Sometimes you just gotta get away.


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